Bath Pizza Co sponsor Walcot Warriors

Bath Pizza Co announce Walcot Warriors Partnership

We’re proud to be sponsoring local mixed ability rugby team, Walcot Warriors.


We’re delighted to announce a new partnership with local Mixed Ability Rugby (MAR) side, Walcot Warriors.

Image: John Taylor (@johntaylorphotography)

Walcot Warriors are a thriving Mixed Ability Rugby side in Bath, enabling opportunity in sport for those who are typically underrepresented in rugby. 

Originally established by Bath Rugby Foundation the team is now self-sustaining with over 40 members. 

We’re proud to be sponsoring training kit for the team and supporting the team fundraising towards a tour.

What is Mixed Ability Rugby?

Image: John Taylor (@johntaylorphotography)

The vision is to change the way we think of, join in and enjoy sports, leading to a fairer and more equal society.

If you happen to have some form of disability or barrier, but want to play rugby on a regular basis then Mixed Ability is perfect for you.


Image: John Taylor (@johntaylorphotography)

Mixed Ability rugby takes the same format as any other rugby team in a club. If you feel you don’t have enough experience, might not be good enough, are new to the game or just want to get back to playing for a bit of regular training and team bonding then a Mixed Ability team is perfect.

How are Bath Pizza Co involved? 

We’re passionate about our local community and projects that improve the lives of people in Bath and the surrounding area. We see our role as a business to do more than just the activity within our own premises. 

Community has been at the heart of our business from day one - whether through work with local arts or cultural organisations, community sports teams, fundraising for charities or supporting local groups with food.

Alex Peters, Bath Pizza Co said: “The beauty of sport is that when you step onto the playing field there are no labels, no hierarchies - everyone is equal.“

“Walcot Warriors is about opportunity. It is an incredible community where local people from all walks of life create friendships and real purpose through rugby. Walcot Warriors have players from 16 to 60 from a diverse range of backgrounds and abilities.“

“Bath Rugby Foundation have laid fantastic foundations for the team to be self-sustaining and we’re delighted to be involved in that journey as the Walcot Warriors team create a sustainable, independent future for themselves at Walcot RFC.”

Get involved! 

Walcot Warriors is open to everyone. Team training is every Wednesday evening at 6.40pm at Walcot RFC in Bath. 

Monthly matches are arranged against other Mixed Ability Rugby sides with festivals and tournaments taking place across the year. 

Not in your area? Where else can I get involved with Mixed Ability Rugby?

There are lots of Mixed Ability Rugby sides in the South West thanks to the work of the Bath Rugby Foundation. If you’re not in the Bath area, why not look at other South West Teams teams:

  • Melksham Stags

  • Yeovil Mixed Ability Rugby

  • Worcester Mixed Ability Rugby

The Bath Ladies Trojans are a local MAR team for women who the Walcot Warriors side share a great rivalry in their regular touch fixtures.

Support the team and see what it’s all about: visit